

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

Chaoswolf interview by Raw War Zine

This is a upcoming interview by Raw War Zine (Sweden) (2014). 


As Chaoswolf has now been active in 7 years how do you feel about all that time & experience
looking back? 

I feel good. Also I feel distant from myself, because some things has changed, I'm not completly the same guy, so my music. I have been through many stages, not in a development sense but in a structural one. 

2.Can you tell something about your first release the demo 
"Lycanthropic Passages and Mystic Blackness"? How was it to create this first stuff?

This first demo was recorded with Berserker (Calvarium Funestus) playing session guitar and drums. It was "ambient" BM, or something like that, consolidating my own name, Chaoswolf. This demo talks about the transformation into werewolf. 

3.Then after your second demo you released your first split "Trinity of Wolfen Funeral Void".
Which bands did you accompany you on it and how do you feel about the release?

One thing I can take from that split is my "dead wolves" artwork´s idea. By the way, the artwork was made by Alemsahim (Konkeror ov Forgotten). Some people misunderstood my "dead wolves" as a suicidal and anti-lycan topic. Nothing more stupid. I'm not in favor of suicide, for the simple reason that i don't care if life or the world have meaning or not. I'm following Albert Camus here, his notion of "absurd" is useful. The name of E. Cioran come to my mind as a good example of someone who overcomes suicide, thinking it as something beyond death. For him, in some way, life and death are both nonsenseless. Anyway, my dead wolves are also dead nature, you know, what i can call -following Freud- death drive. Death drive is a much more complex concept, not just a tendecy to physical dead, wich is the common and poor interpretation. If death drive have us, then, we are banished from nature. That's why the wolf appears here as a phantom of that primordial dead. 

4.How was the year 2010 for you? As i see from your release list that this year is empty...
I don't remember, i could had been doing something terrifing, something clever or something stupid, who knows? Sometimes I take a rest from recording, but, i will make music until my last day, that's for sure. 

5.How would you describe your beliefs and your lyrical themes that runs through your songs?

My beliefs are mutable, so my songs. My first lyrics used to talk about classic BM themes, you know, lycanthropy with satanic principles, spiced with magical thinking; feelings associated with the negative side, very stereotypical mind, in fact. But was a good style. Then my lyrics started to focus on personal things, especially my dreams. Later, the lyrics went to a some kind of tribute to insanity, i. e. the loss of meaning. Today, my lyrics take elements from -my own- psychoanalysis, philosophy and more stuff, to create what i call the subversion of BM, or the fall of the idols. I try to recover Black Metal from that empire of images in wich actually have turned it. I'm atheist, but a different kind of atheist, because i admit that our psyche is fractured, so we are believers in someway, but this is a posibility to play with the ghosts of the gods, even that god called Karl Marx. I'm against illusions wich provides identity, alone in the desert like a lost wolf. My definition of Satan is the radical void wich cannot be filled with prayers or symbols. Satan, for me, is not a real entity -i'm not doing theology here- but either a symbol of light and wisdom. That's why i prefer use the name "Satan" than "Lucifer", don't caring its ethnical root, but the etimological one. 

6.How was it to work on second split "Wolf Spirits from Archaic Sepulchrals" and the 
compilation "Eight Howls of Chaos" that also got out in 2011 is it compiling the first 3 demos?

I consider "Eight Howls of Chaos" as my first album. It contains many unreleased songs. It's a very obscure album, you would enjoy it. The split "wolf spirit" also contains unreleased songs, both productions are aviable at Runenstein Records.

7.Please describe The first full album "The Fall of the Idols" (2013), what is the
symbolism of the cryptic cover?

The Fall of the Idols is my definition of BM, and also a critique. I'm trying to build another way to think BM, far from the most of the bands concibe it. It's a hard work, because people don't want to think, people want to see performance, image, they want hyperreality, so, Chaoswolf is not very welcome in the BM paradise, and that's good, that means that i'm on the right way. BM paradise is the ironic name that i give to the blacker-lambs, people who doesn't think anything at all, who are completly talked through the other. As you can see, my album-cover is not something drawn for carrying on a t-shirt, because its meaningless. The entity wich appears in that cover cannot find its reflection on the mirror, it only finds the words: "we don't know that we know", and what is that? The unconscious; also that Satan is dead. Sorry for being rude here, but we have to assume that death to create a new table of values, like Nietzsche said. 

8.How is it to live in Veracruz as a regular citizen and how does people react to your black
metal "life"? 

I actually live in Mexico city, but i often go to Veracruz, Mexico City is a surreal place, very interesting. Well, I don't have a Black Metal life, in fact I don't believe BM life does exist further than an imaginary thing. I go to the beach, I like to drink beer in hot weather, I dance in carnival, I'm a funny guy and I'm not a pretender. I enjoy creating BM, but being honest i really dislike the most blackers i've met. 

9.How does the rest of this year look like for you?

I'm finishin my new album, you can listen the previews on youtube, called "Orgasmortem" and "Discurrir un cáncer del ser". I hope all of you can get this new insane CD. 

10.Thanks for your answers! 
Last howl is yours!

I really apreciate your interest on Chaoswolf, thanks! And those who want to read me, you can find my texts at, i will translate them to english soon. Keep in contact at, i'm sure that my howls will arrive to the right ears. Thank you all.